Masks 2020
In a scary time for the world I did what I could to not feel so helpless and out of control, I created. 50 masks donated to White Plains Hospital and 300 masks sold to donate profits of $800 to Interfaith Food Pantry. My donation was matched by D’Errico Jewelry, so a total of $1,600 went to the local Mount Kisco Food Pantry.
2019 WAG Magazine Millenial Awards Winner
“Unlike many artists, McDonnell was able to pull inspiration for her designs by working face to face with customers in a retail environment. Living in Westchester, McDonnell has built a home studio and has started designing her own line: Jill Mac Jewelry.”
- Westfair Communications
Artists and fleas 2019
“Artists & Fleas is a marketplace of makers — tastemakers, experience creators, designers, collectors and curators — and a place where this creative community of shoppers & sellers comes together to discover and be discovered.”